Author: MCGW

The shortcut method of claiming a rate of 80 cents per hour worked from home is no longer available – the measure was temporarily introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic and ended on 30 June 2022.

Instead, you can now claim deductions using the revised fixed-rate method, at a rate of 67 cents per hour, as long as you incur deductible expenses while genuinely carrying out work from home, and keep appropriate records, like timesheets for your work hours and receipts for the expenses.

If your work from home doesn’t meet these conditions, you won’t be able to rely on the fixed-rate method and will need to calculate and apportion the actual expenses. You can also simply choose the actual expenses method if it suits your situation better.

The fixed-rate method covers work-related costs like electricity/gas, stationery, your mobile/landline phone and internet. If you use the fixed-rate method you can’t also claim additional deductions for any of these categories. Depreciation of furniture and equipment (eg if you buy a desk, computer and printer for work) may be calculated separately (and in addition) to the fixed rate.

The Federal Government has warned of scammers targeting Australians ahead of tax time 2023. The number of scam reports received to date this year has topped 19,843 and impersonation scams are becoming increasingly commonplace. These scams typically consist of unsolicited contact through SMS, email, or on social media offering refunds or help to solve tax issues. The ATO recommends not engaging with any unsolicited contact, ending any conversations as soon as possible and independently looking up the ATO’s number to initiate contact in order to verify any communication is genuine.

Tax time scams typically involve the impersonation of the ATO to obtain personal information or solicit unlawful payment. The common tricks tax scammers are using recently include:

  • posing as the ATO on social media and offering to help individuals with tax and super questions, which require the individuals to hand over personal information such as tax file numbers, dates of birth, names, addresses etc;
  • luring unsuspecting individuals with an offer of a fake tax refund in return for the provision of personal information;
  • initiating conversations via phone, social media private messages, email and SMS, attempting to keep the individual engaged for as long as possible through various means including threats and intimidation, offers to help and so on, to either collect personal information or solicit payment.

Many scammers will use spoofing technology to show a real ATO or Australian phone number in the caller ID or call log. The ATO’s genuine calls will be in fact be shown as No Caller ID. The ATO will also never insist on a conference call with a third party, not even your own tax agent or law enforcement officers.

In terms of SMS and emails, the ATO will never send an unsolicited message asking you to return personal identifying information through these channels. It also does not send links or attachments for you to open or download.

If you think you may have fallen victim to a scam, you should contact your bank or financial institution, make an official report to local police, and report the scam through either the ATO’s phone hotline or its specific scams email address.

Tip: The ATO now has a dedicated team that monitors queries and assists taxpayers who have fallen victim to scammers. You can look up and use the ATO’s phone numbers and other contact details on the official ATO website,

The minimum rate of superannuation to be paid for employees over the age of 18 is now 11% (up from 10.5%).

Some awards and agreements may require a higher rate to be paid.

We encourage all employees to check their payslips and also their superannuation funds to see if the correct contributions are being made on at least a quarterly basis.

The ATO has flagged rental properties and holiday homes as an area of particular focus for this 30 June.

It’s important to remember that the ATO receives information from sources like sharing economy platforms, rental bond agencies and state and territory revenue authorities that enables it to detect under-reporting of income and inappropriate deduction claims.

The immediate deduction for the cost of eligible depreciating business assets that has been available under the temporary full expensing concession since 2020 has now ended.

The instant asset write off method has now been reinstated for the immediate deduction of the cost of an asset.

From 1 July 2023, an immediate deduction will only be available to small business entities (with aggregated turnover less than $10 million) for assets costing less than $20,000.

In response to COVID-19, the government temporarily reduced superannuation minimum drawdown requirements for account based pensions by 50% until 30 June 2023.

For this current 2023-24 financial year, the 50% reduction in the minimum pension drawdown rate will no longer apply.

On 1 July 2023, the following rates will apply:

Age 2023–24 income year
Under 65 4.0%
65–74 5.0%
75–79 6.0%
80–84 7.0%
85–89 9.0%
90–94 11.0%
95 or more 14.0%

The member’s age is determined at either:

  • 1 July in the financial year in which the payment is made, or
  • the commencement day of the pension or annuity, if that is the year in which it commences.


Most income streams paid from a super account held in an individual member’s name are account-based pensions. These pensions are required to meet minimum standards, including not being able to increase the capital supporting the pension using contributions or rollover amounts once the pension has commenced, and paying a minimum amount at least once a year.

In general, minimum payments need to be made at least once a year and are determined by the age of the beneficiary and the value of the account balance as at 1 July each year. For example, people aged between 65 and 74 will need to apply a 5% standard percentage factor to work out the minimum pension amount for 2023–2024.

While the minimum annual payments are mandated, there are no maximum annual payments, except for transition to retirement pensions which have a maximum annual payment limit of 10% of the account balance at the start of each financial year. This means that retirees can draw a pension above the minimum pension payment amount, which may be especially welcome given the current cost of living pressures.

Thank you to all our company director clients who applied for their Director Identification Number (DIN) by the due date.

If you have not applied for your  DIN yet, please do this as soon as possible to avoid the possibility of penalties being applied. Anyone intending to become a director of a company for the first time will need to apply before being appointed as a director.

The fastest way to apply is online at, which will issue a director ID instantly once the application is complete.

The Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS), will take a reasonable compliance approach focusing on educating, creating awareness and helping directors do the right thing.

ASIC are tasked with enforcing director ID offences, which can include criminal and civil penalties.


In a bid to encourage home ownership in NSW, the state government has introduced the First Home Buyer Choice scheme, which allows eligible first home buyers a choice between paying an annual property tax or the traditional stamp duty. Eligible first home buyers of residential properties valued at up to $1.5 million or vacant land of up to $800,000 will be able to access the scheme, provided other conditions are met.

Eligible buyers can access the scheme from 12 November 2022. These buyers are required to pay stamp duty on purchases made until 15 January 2023, but will be able to apply for a refund of their stamp duty if they choose to opt into the annual fee. From 16 January 2023, purchasers can opt in to the annual fee directly.

As its name suggests, the First Home Buyer Choice scheme is only available to individual first home buyers over 18 years of age who haven’t previously owned residential land in Australia. For individuals with a spouse, it’s also a requirement that the spouse has not at any time owned residential land in Australia. Generally, occupation of the property must occur within 12 months of the first home buyer taking possession and must continue for at least six months.

If the option to pay the annual property tax is elected by the eligible individual, the rate of tax will differ depending on whether the property is owner-occupied or used as an investment after the initial six months occupation requirement. For owner-occupiers, the property tax rates per annum will be $400 plus 0.3% of the home’s land value.

In cases where the property is rented out, the property tax rates per annum will be $1,500 plus 1.1% of land value. While the NSW government has committed to not increasing these rates for the first two financial years of operation, from the 2024–2025 financial year property tax rates will be indexed each year, capped at a 4% maximum.

Tip: A first home buyer choice calculator is available on the Service NSW website at

Treasury has released draft legislation which proposes two new grounds under which the Registrar of the Australian Business Register may cancel an Australian Business Number (ABN).

The government had earlier announced its intention to “strengthen” the ABN system by imposing new compliance obligations for ABN holders to retain their ABN. Currently, ABN holders are able to retain their ABN regardless of whether they are meeting their income tax return lodgment obligations or the obligation to regularly update their ABN details.

It’s worth noting that there are over nine million active ABN holders on the Australian Business Register.

Outstanding income tax returns

The proposed changes would allow the Registrar of the Australian Business Register to cancel a person’s ABN if they haven’t lodged their required income tax returns for two or more income years where the period for lodgement has ended. These wouldn’t need to be consecutive income years.

This ground for cancellation would apply for failures to lodge tax returns beginning with income years commencing on 1 July 2022, so the earliest the Registrar could cancel an ABN would be in the second half of 2024, if the ABN-holder failed to lodge tax returns for the income years beginning on 1 July 2022 and 1 July 2023.

Failing to confirm accuracy

The proposed changes would also allow the Registrar to cancel an ABN if the holder hadn’t given a notification within the past 12 months that they still require the ABN and that the information on the Register is current and correct.

This power would be available to the Registrar after 1 July 2024. In effect, this would require ABN holders to check their ABN details and notify the Registrar at least once in the period between the commencement of these provisions and 1 July 2024, and then at least once annually.

Taxpayers could soon be dealing with more paperwork at tax time, or facing the prospect of a lower tax deduction for work from home (WFH) expenses. The ATO has recently proposed a new revised fixed rate method of calculating WFH expenses for the purposes of claiming a tax deduction from 1 July 2022.

The proposed new rate of 67c per hour would replace the previous shortcut method of 80c per hour (which many people have been using during the COVID-19 pandemic) as well as the previous fixed rate method.

Tip: It’s important to note that this proposal comes from the ATO (which does not itself create the tax law) and is still at the draft stage. The ATO is asking for submissions from interested parties.

Before 1 July 2022, people working from home could use one of three methods for calculating a tax deduction for the expenses incurred:

  • the actual costs method, which involved calculating the actual expenses incurred as a result of working from home;
  • the fixed rate method, which allowed 52c per hour to cover their electricity and gas expenses, home office cleaning expenses, and the decline in value of furniture and furnishings, with a separate deduction claimable for work-related internet expenses, telephone expenses, stationery and computer consumables and the decline in value of a computer/laptop; and
  • the shortcut method, which was introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic to make it easier for the large proportion of employees suddenly working from home. This method allowed claiming 80c per hour to cover all WFH expenses, with no separation of deductions.

Given the continual increase in energy bills and other inflationary pressures, this new proposed fixed rate method is likely to yield consistently lower deductions than if the actual cost method was used. Coupled with the abolition of the shortcut method, this seems to mean that taxpayers would either have to accept a lower WFH deduction in the coming years or deal with increased paperwork to be able to claim WFH deductions under the actual costs method.